
はっぱのおうち・英語版―A House of Leaves (こどものともファースト・イングリッシュ・ブック): 征矢 清 林 明子: 本


はっぱのおうち・英語版―A House of Leaves (こどものともファースト・イングリッシュ・ブック)

はっぱのおうち・英語版―A House of Leaves (こどものともファースト・イングリッシュ・ブック)



著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)

征矢 清
KIYOSHI SOYA was born in 1935 in NaganoPrefecture, in Japan. He has studied Russian Literature at Waseda University. He had been an editor and also, an author of childrens books. Now he is writing full time. He lives in Nagano Prefecture with his wife and two cats.

林 明子
AKIKO HAYASHI was born in Tokyo in 1945. After graduating from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Yokohama National University, she worked as a magazine illustrator. Since her first children‘s book was published in 1973, she has become one of Japan’s leading illustrators and was chosen to represent Japan in Mitsumasa Anno‘s international collaboration for world peace, “ALL IN A DAY.”(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです)